Hello! Denver Orbit is now Low Orbit. And you’re listening to it.
This episode features Joe Coradlo talking about Robert Stanley and his ejection seat factory. You can find the video of the Yankee Egress System here.
We also have a poem from the one and only Brice Maiurro.
Brice Maiurro is a poet from Denver, Colorado. He is the Poetry Editor for Suspect Press and the Founding Editor of Punch Drunk Press. This January, he was recognized by Westword as a Colorado Creative. His second collection of poems, Hero Victim Villain, is available now through Stubborn Mule Press.
Chadzilla Johnson is a multidisciplinary musician and teacher living in Denver, Colorado. He drums for the band Von Disco, which performs monthly at the Laughing Goat in Boulder as part of a poetry music mashup series called Jazzetry. His solo album, Anonymonkey, was released this June at the Mercury Cafe in Denver.
His website is here, Suspect Press is here, and Mutiny Information Cafe is here.