Low Orbit 2025 Trailer

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Low Orbit 2025 Trailer

Low Orbit, the world’s only audio zine is returning March 19th 2025.

This Trailer features, in order, Cristina Marras, Fil Corbitt, Gray Newman, Josh Mattison, Blake Pfeil and Jay Cowit.

Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Five – Spring

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Five - Spring

Low Orbit presents Blackout: Time Passes. These are the COVID diaries of Denver playwright Ellen K Graham.
This is the final episode five, Spring. This is the months January to May 2021.

You can see more of Ellen’s work here at Feral Assembly

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Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Four – Winter

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Four - Winter

Low Orbit presents Blackout: Time Passes. These are the COVID diaries of Denver playwright Ellen K Graham.
This is episode four, Winter. This is the months November to January 2021.

You can see more of Ellen’s work here at Feral Assembly

Contact Low Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Three – Fall

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Three - Fall

Low Orbit presents Blackout: Time Passes. These are the COVID times diaries of Denver playwright Ellen K Graham.
This is episode three, Fall. This is the months August to November 2020.

You can see more of Ellen’s work here at Feral Assembly

Contact Low Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Two – Summer

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Blackout: Time Passes | Episode Two - Summer

Low Orbit presents Blackout: Time Passes. These are the COVID times diaries of Denver playwright Ellen K Graham.
This is episode two, Summer. This is the months June to August 2020.

You can see more of Ellen’s work here at Feral Assembly

Contact Low Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Blackout: Time Passes | Episode One – Spring

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Blackout: Time Passes | Episode One - Spring

Low Orbit presents Blackout: Time Passes. These are the COVID times diaries of Denver playwright Ellen K Graham.
This is episode one, Spring. This is the months March to June 2020.

You can see more of Ellen’s work here at Feral Assembly

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Long in the Making

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Low Orbit
Long in the Making

We hear Allison Lorenzon talk about her collaboration with Midwife and their song Vale. Buy that song here.

We hear Brad Mudge tell us what the pandemic got him thinking about in his essay Days Later.

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The Sound

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Low Orbit
The Sound

We visit a pre-pandemic conversation with Knower of Denver Music Tom Murphy. His website is hereinstagram here and work at birdy magazine here.

We hear a story from Matthew Simonson. The story first aired on the great Denver podcast Range and Slope. Listen to more here.

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The Order of Death Episode Four: Blood and Soil

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Low Orbit
The Order of Death Episode Four: Blood and Soil

In our final episode, we explore the effects Robert Mathews and The Order have had on today’s modern white supremacist movements.

Our theme is by Matthew Simonson and we had additional music this episode from Kevin Richards and Blue Dot Sessions.

You can find Slate’s Standoff podcast here and Bundyville here.

Be sure to check out Lost Highways from History Colorado.

We had additional research and production help from Ryan Connell.

The Order of Death Episode Three: Domestic Terrorists

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
The Order of Death Episode Three: Domestic Terrorists

In this episode we see how everything ends for The Order and for Robert Mathews. We also learn what happened to the members of The Order after their capture.

Our theme is by Matthew Simonson and we had additional music this episode from Kevin Richards and Blue Dot Sessions.

Be sure to check out Lost Highways from History Colorado.

We had additional research and production help from Ryan Connell.

And a very special thank you to Terry Gross and Fresh Air for the use of their archival interview with Thomas Martinez. 

The Order of Death Episode Two: The Silent Brotherhood

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
The Order of Death Episode Two: The Silent Brotherhood

In this episode, we explore the group behind Alan Berg’s murder, their ideology, and their other crimes. We also learn of their plans to overthrow the United States Government. 

Our theme is by Matthew Simonson and we had additional music this episode from Kevin RichardsLee Rosevere and Blue Dot Sessions.

Be sure to check out Lost Highways from History Colorado.

We had additional research and production help from Ryan Connell.

The Order of Death Episode One: A Driveway in Denver

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
The Order of Death Episode One: A Driveway in Denver

Talk radio host Alan Berg was gunned down in his driveway in Denver in the summer of 1984. This is a series exploring his murder and the people and ideology responsible for his death.

This episode focuses on Berg’s life and rise in the shock jock scene.

Our theme is by Matthew Simonson and we had additional music this episode from Kevin Richards, Lee Rosevere and Moonlight Drift.

Be sure to check out Lost Highways from History Colorado. Tune in to their episode on Alan Berg here.

We had additional research and production help from Ryan Connell and Rae Solomon. 


Low Orbit
Low Orbit

Things about Low Orbit this time:

Ethan Siegel talks to us about Elon Musk’s Starlink project. Find more of his writing here.

Sarah Scoles Talks about why people believe in UFOs. Her book is called They Are Already Here. Buy it here or any local bookstore. Find more of her work here.

Our man Graham Lau talks about the overview effect. Find more of Graham here.

The music from today’s show was made by me! Mostly. Lee Rosevere also had a couple things in there.

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The Backyard Sessions

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Low Orbit
The Backyard Sessions

It’s work created and shared out in the open air this time.

A couple of monologues from John Cotter

A few poems from Elissa Gabbert

And a few poems from Michael Joseph Walsh

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Halloween 2020

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Low Orbit
Halloween 2020

Halloween 2020 sounds like a horror movie doesn’t it? And it kind of is! That’s the easiest joke to make. Anyway…

This episode features a piece from artist/illustrator Cori Redford. What’d I Miss is here. Here work at Suspect Press is here.

Andrew Watson is shopping around a couple of novels. You can reach him here.

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Pure Love

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Low Orbit
Pure Love

Stories of love in all it’s complicated purity.

Amanda EK has an excerpt from her book about purity culture. You can find Suspect Press here, her instagram here, here patreon for her book here, and website with her writing here.

Find more of Ellen K Graham’s work here, Feral Assembly is here.

Music in today’s episode was from Blue Dot Sessions, Lee Rosevere, and even me!

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Some Old Tunes

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Low Orbit
Some Old Tunes

This episode is a (gasp) rerun. Of a sort. We’ve searched through the archives and found some stories about music.

Mike Colletta tells us a tale of Norwegian Black Metal. His blog is called The Black Meddler and is here.

Paul Epstein from Twist and Shout records talks about the nostalgia and the need to hang on to things. The Twisted Spork is here.

Mairead Case wrote about Judee Sill. Here website is here. Pre-order her new novel here.

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An Adjustment

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Low Orbit
An Adjustment

Three stories in this one:

The Last One by Jenny-Lynn Ellis. You can find her writing here.

The Visit. Rae Solomon’s work at KUNC is here. Listen to range and slope here. Listen to Matthew Simonson’s work at NPR’s 1A here and The Untold Story: Policing here. Berry’s website Podcasts in Color is here, her instagram is here, twitter here, facebook here.

Mateo Schimpf’s Paco a Paco can be found here and Unwrapt is here.

Our cover art is from Mateo Schimpf taken at the BLM protests

Contact Low Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Low Orbit
Low Orbit

Today we feature the life, death, and rebirth of the Cinderella City Mall. The story was told by Josh Goldstein of the Cinderella City Project. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

You can download the Cinderella City Mall simulation here at Github – v0.5.4 on Github.

Call and share your story at 724-648-8968

Josh Goldstein had help from:

  • Betamaxx  provided some great 1980s music from an unreleased album called “Dead Malls”
  • Nick Morey and George Hetzer from Betamaxx have helped craft some custom sounds and music for the game, and George has also helped with vectorizing logos and type for use as signage in the mall
  • Speaking of dead malls, Dead Mall also provided some hard-hitting 80s tracks used inside some of the stores
  • B Dalton has contributed some softer music and ambient chatter I’ll be using probably in both eras.
  • Lindsey Runyan from the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce has also helped a lot with vectorizing logos and type for use as signage in the mall

Our piece was scored by Blue Dot Sessions, Lee Rosevere and me, Josh Mattison!

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Shimmer Aquarium

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Low Orbit
Shimmer Aquarium

Today we have just one story – Shimmer Aquarium by John Cotter. The piece was performed by Lindsey Pierce at Stories on Stage.

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Monstrous Shapes

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Low Orbit
Monstrous Shapes

Professor Bradford Mudge stopped Orbit HQ right before social isolation to talk about contagion and horror in literature and movies.

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The Weight

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Low Orbit
The Weight

We have stories of coping with loss and tragedy today.

Producer Gray Newman has a story from his friend David Brice. You can find his NWS STND project here, his website here and his regular instagram here.

Dr. Mairead Case’s piece was originally heard at The Pop Conference and published in Maggot Brain. Her website is here!

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Now Change

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Low Orbit
Now Change

We have stories of change today.

Our first is from Denver photographer Kim Allen. You can find some of his work at buckfifty.org here, here and here.

Our second story is from from Ellen Graham. You can find her work at feralassembly.com

Our music today came from Blue Dot Sessions

Our documentary about the murder of Alan Berg is here – theorderofdeathpodcast.com

Contact Low Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Low Orbit
Low Orbit

Hello! Denver Orbit is now Low Orbit. And you’re listening to it.

This episode features Joe Coradlo talking about Robert Stanley and his ejection seat factory. You can find the video of the Yankee Egress System here.

We also have a poem from the one and only Brice Maiurro.

Brice Maiurro is a poet from Denver, Colorado. He is the Poetry Editor for Suspect Press and the Founding Editor of Punch Drunk Press. This January, he was recognized by Westword as a Colorado Creative. His second collection of poems, Hero Victim Villain, is available now through Stubborn Mule Press.
Chadzilla Johnson is a multidisciplinary musician and teacher living in Denver, Colorado. He drums for the band Von Disco, which performs monthly at the Laughing Goat in Boulder as part of a poetry music mashup series called Jazzetry. His solo album, Anonymonkey, was released this June at the Mercury Cafe in Denver.

His website is here, Suspect Press is here, and Mutiny Information Cafe is here.

Contact Low Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Low Orbit Promo

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Low Orbit Promo

Hi! Denver Orbit is changing! A little bit. We’re now Low Orbit. We’re still featuring voices, stories and sounds from Colorado’s creative community but we’re also opening up to voices, stories and sounds from anywhere in the world. Same show! Just slightly different.

The voices you hear in this promo are Tom Murphy, Josh Goldstein and Mairead Case.

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Episode Forty: The Void

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Low Orbit
Episode Forty: The Void

Today I’m getting out of the way and letting the podcast The Void take over.

Sarah Dealy and Jamie Billings are Denver locals and the producers/hosts of The Void. Music and Sound Design by Brady BillingsOriginal illustrations for each episode by Taylor Turnbull can be found on instagram @thevoidpodcast Editing help by Arielle Milkman

Subscribe to The Void on iTunes here. Their website is here. Instagram here.

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-Nine: The Order of Death

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Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Nine: The Order of Death

Today we are featuring the first episode of a documentary project we’ve been working on called The Order of Death. It’s about the murder of Denver area talk radio host Alan Berg and the people and ideology behind it.

Listen to the rest by subscribing to The Order of Death in whatever podcast app you use or go over to The Order of Death website for more info.

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-Eight: Life in Miniature

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Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Eight: Life in Miniature

Shannon Geis brings us a story about utopia from artist Becky Wareing-Steele. You can view Utopia: A New Society for All until November 3rd at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Find more from Becky at her facebook, instagram and website.

Find Shannon Geis here at her website.

The Order of Death can be found here. Subscribe!

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-Seven: From the Nineties

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Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Seven: From the Nineties

We’ve got Brandi Homan reading from her novel Burn Fortune. She’s on twitter! Buy Burn Fortune here.

And then there’s Christopher Rosales. Find his website here. Buy Word is Bone here!

And that’s it! More soon friends.

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Episode Thirty-Six: Deep Listening

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Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Six: Deep Listening

Only one thing this episode! Writer Mairead Case reads her essay Pauline Oliveros, Wilma Deering and Deep Listening. Find more of her work here and Entropy Magazine Here.

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-Five: A Little of Everything

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Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Five: A Little of Everything

Graham Lau tells us how all of it began. He’s got a website here. Twitter is here. Instagram is here. Blue Marble Space is here. He’s also the co-host of the NASA-funded show Ask an Astrobiologist.

Jenny-Lynn Ellis tells us that Nothing Bad Happens. You can find her writing here.

An 11 year old Jack Orleans hangs out in a treehouse. You can find his writing in Birdy, Suspect Press, Stain’d Magazine and Litro Magazine.

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-Four: Nine Zero Six Six

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Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Four: Nine Zero Six Six

Producer Shannon Geis talks to Sarah Fukami about her art. You can find Sarah’s art here. Shannon Geis has a website here and you can find Art Gym Denver here.

Producer Rae Solomon talks to Bonnie Clark about Amache. Bonnie Clark is here, Rae Solomon is coming soon here.

The music of Lee Rosevere and Blue Dot Sessions was used in today’s show.

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-Three: Days, Hours, and Minutes

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Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Three: Days, Hours, and Minutes

Author and arts Journalist Deanne Gertner tells a story about estrangement. Find more of her work here.

Writer Jason Arment reads an excerpt from his memoir Musahaleen. Find his work here. Buy his book here.

Find the 100 Colorado Creatives series here.

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Special Episode: 2018 Year In Review

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Special Episode: 2018 Year In Review



Dr. Graham Lau brings us a story. His Blog is here and here’s Blue Marble Space.

Shannon Geis brings us a story about Death Cafes.

John Cotter tells us about his hearing. Here’s his Twitter. You can find more of his writing here, here and here.

Jenny-Lynn Ellis reads her essay fighting woman. Her blog is here.

We hear a short story from Nate Ragolia called A Companion Piece (performed by Rachel Trignano). You can find Spaceboy Books here, Boned: A collection of skeletal writings hereThe Illiterate Badger here, and The Right Corking Adventures of Cecil Larkbunting and Alastair Wakerobin here.

Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-Two: Pure Gold

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-Two: Pure Gold



Amanda EK brings a diary entry. It’s an excerpt from a book about purity culture due from Suspect Press in 2019.

The Picture Tours brings their song I’ve Found The Light. Their Bandcamp is here, Facebook here. Emerald Siam is here.

Mairead Case reads an essay about Judee Sill. Her website is here.

The music of Blue Dot Sessions was used in the Judee Sill piece.



Contact Denver Orbit – Email | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Thirty-One: All Grown Up

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Thirty-One: All Grown Up



Rae Solomon and I made the piece Heidi and Pearl and Heidi produced for KCRW‘s 24 Hour Radio Race. Rae’s upcoming workshop is here.

Bevin Luna lent us the song Volatile or Stable. Instagram is here. CPR’s OpenAir Performance Studio is here, here, here and here. Hodi’s Half Note show is here.

Elisa Gabbert reads Time, Money Happiness. Here’s her Twitter.


Music from Blue Dot Sessions was used in this episode.

Reach us at denverorbit@gmail.com, facebook and instagram.

Episode Thirty: 2018 Halloweeeeen! Part Two

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Thirty: 2018 Halloweeeeen! Part Two



Laura Bond brings us a smurfing good trick or treating story.

Laura Porritt from the Colored Red podcast brings us the story of Alferd (or Alfred) Packer. They’re on iTunes and all the other podcatchers.


Denver Orbit is on Facebook and Instagram.

Email us at denverorbit@gmail.com

Episode Twenty-Nine: 2018 Halloweeeeeen! Part one

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-Nine: 2018 Halloweeeeeen! Part one



We’ve got Misha Fraser from the Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls, and Toys talking about why dolls can creep us out.

And we’ve got Ren Manley as Lizzie Borden from Audacious Theatre‘s play Lady Killers. Their facebook is here and instagram here.

Follow Denver Orbit on Instagram and facebook. You can reach us at denverorbit@gmail.com


Episode Twenty-Eight: Making a Study Of It

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-Eight: Making a Study Of It



Dr. Graham Lau brings the science. His twitter is here.  Instagram here.

The Far Stairs brings the music. Bandcamp is here. The Blue Room site is here. Watch the preview here.

Zo Murach brings the words.


Episode Twenty-Seven: The Road Goes Ever On

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-Seven: The Road Goes Ever On



Ryan Connell talks about his travels. You can find his writing here, and the Gofundme for The Unapologetics tour here.

Jenny-Lynn Ellis reads her essay fighting woman. Her blog is here.

Bear Brilliant brought the song Good Gawd Golly. Their Facebook is here, and their Bandcamp is here.

Lonnie MF Allen reads his comic A Brief History of John Delorean. Find more of his work here.


Get in touch! denverorbit@gmail.com

Episode Twenty-Six: There’s Paint on the Walls

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-Six: There's Paint on the Walls



We talk to Adam Lerner from MCA Denver about contemporary art museum’s relationship to street art.

We hear a song from Machu Linea

Shannon Geis takes a tour of street art in the RiNo district in Denver with Cori Anderson. You can find her Instagram here, her writing at 303 Magazine here and the Street Art Network here.


Announcement! Late Summer Break!

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Announcement! Late Summer Break!



We’re on a late summer break. We’ll be back at the end of the month of August.

Meanwhile, listen to this trailer for the Mile High Hustle.

See you soon!

Episode Twenty-Five: Blurring the Digital Analog Line

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-Five: Blurring the Digital Analog Line



We talk to the Shadowtrash Tape Group about what they do.

We hear a song from Nature called Nootropicalia.

We hear a short story from Nate Ragolia called A Companion Piece (performed by Rachel Trignano). You can find Spaceboy Books here, Boned: A collection of skeletal writings here, The Illiterate Badger here, and The Right Corking Adventures of Cecil Larkbunting and Alastair Wakerobin here.

Music from Shadowtrash Tape Group was used to score their piece. We heard Rumpilots, Sun TV, King Poppy, and Volfram.


Episode Twenty-four: Looking at the Stars

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-four: Looking at the Stars



We bring you some stories from Jordan Knecht and Daisy Corso recorded at the Denver Zine Fest.

The band Marcus Church lent us their song Tonight.

Author Jason Heller reads from his book Strange Stars.

The music of Podington Bear, Amon Tobin, Glynis Jones, Delia Derbyshire, and Seam was used to score the pieces in the today’s show.

Episode Twenty-three: Breaking Down and Building Up

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-three: Breaking Down and Building Up



Skyler Heck of f-ether breaks down his new track Song Exploder style. Here’s his Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

We hear the song Still as Ice.

Rachel Trignano tells us a story. You can find more of her work at Write Club.


Episode Twenty-two: The In Sounds From Way Out

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-two: The In Sounds From Way Out



Shannon Geis brings us her piece Run.

John Cotter tells us about his hearing. Here’s his Twitter. You can find more of his writing here, here and here.

Diablo Montalban shares his audio piece Extreme Danger.  You can find Hypnotic Turtle on Facebook, Etsy, Instagram and Twitter.

The music of DASK, Lee Rosevere, and Chris Zabriskie was used to score John Cotter’s piece.

Special Episode: Shut Up and Listen: Live at MCA Denver

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Special Episode: Shut Up and Listen: Live at MCA Denver



This is a special live version of the show! Straight from the cafe of the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver.

Mary McHugh helped out with hosting duties.

Kelly Shortandqueer from the Denver Zine Library read a story (with Jake McWilliams).

Karl Christian Krumpholz narrated some comics (with Kelly Bearden and friend). See his work in Westword, at twitter, facebook and instagram.

Bonnie Weimer sang some tunes.

Episode Twenty-One: Science and Poetry

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty-One: Science and Poetry



Dr. Graham Lau brings us a story about science at the edge of the world. His Blog is here and here’s Blue Marble Space.

The Far Stairs does their song Figure One.  Here’s their Youtube, Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Facebook and Twitter.

Joy Sawyer from The Lighthouse Writers Workshop tells us some poems.

And the music of Lee Rosevere, Alistair Galbraith, Chris Zabriskie, and Dana Boule was used to score the pieces in today’s show.

Episode Twenty: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twenty: Breathe In, Breathe Out



Shannon Geis brings us a story about Death Cafes.

Kevin Richards band Equine brings the song Variation 2 from Camphor

Jenny_Lynn Ellis reads her essay The Writing Cat

The music of Lee Rosevere, Dana Boule and  Chris Zabriskie was used to score the pieces in today’s show. You can check out their music and much, much more at the free music archive online at freemusicarchive.org.

Episode Nineteen: Motiveless Malignity

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Nineteen: Motiveless Malignity



Talking Serial Killers with Bradford Mudge and Alessandra Ragusin

Brad Mudge talks to us about Jack the Ripper’s enduring popularity.

Alessandra Ragusin Talks about Monster Theory

Find more Ryan Connell Here.

Find more Alessandra Here.


Episode Eighteen: Space Is The Place

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Eighteen: Space Is The Place



Rick Griffith talks BLARP, Bonnie Weimer sings Pajama Top Man and Karl Christian Krumpholz narrates some comics.

A conversation with Rick Griffith (Matter) about the Black Astronaut Research Project

The song Pajama Top Man from Bonnie Weimer

A couple more cartoons from our friend Karl Christian Krumpholz

The music of Lee Rosevere was used in Rick’s piece and the music of Dana Boulé was used in Karl’s.

Episode Seventeen: Listen To This

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Seventeen: Listen To This



Amanda EK reads a story, Chella And the Charm sing a song, and Alessandra Ragusin reads a poem.

The story Consent Means What Now? by Amanda EK (Suspect Press)

The song Hey Man by Chella and the Charm (Discover Weakly)

The poem Defining Forward Momentum by Alessandra Ragusin

Denver Orbit is on the Denver Podcast Network.

The music of Lee Rosevere, Soundeyet, The Insider, Comfort Fit, Debussy, and Ryan Little was used to score Consent Means What Now?.


Episode Sixteen: Denver as a Muse

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Sixteen: Denver as a Muse



Karl Christian Krumpholz reads some comics, Andre Cactus has a song and Paul Karolyi tells a story

Some selected work from cartoonist Karl Christian Krumpholz. See his work in Westword, at twitter, facebook and instagram.

The song Skyhook from Andre Cactus.

A piece from Changing Denver and House of Pod‘s Paul Karolyi.

Denver Orbit is now on the Denver Podcast Network.


Special Episode: The Great Pretender Redux

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Special Episode: The Great Pretender Redux



The story of Rick Strandlof, the marine made of smoke

The Great Pretender by Mike Flaherty (with an assist from Ryan Connell)

The music of Coldnoise, Evgeny Grinko, Broke for Free, The Lovely Moon,  Podington Bear, Kai Engel, Alastair Galbraith, and Little Glass Men was used to score The Great Pretender

Will the real Rick Strandlof Please Stand Up by Kelsey Whipple

Episode Fifteen: Everybody’s Looking for Something

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Fifteen: Everybody's Looking for Something



Ryan and Josiah talk losing religion, Spells sings a song and Ryan tells us his plans

A chat with Ryan and Josiah Hesse, senior editor at Suspect Press and author of Carnality.

The song Deceiver by Spells sent to us from Snappy Little Numbers.

An essay from Ryan Connell explaining just what he’s doing after Denver. Help him make his journey happen here.

The music of Podington Bear was used to score Ryan’s piece.

Episode Fourteen: Displacement

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Fourteen: Displacement



Episode fourteen of Denver Orbit features these things:

We’re doing something a little different this week.
Both of our stories come from Heather and Peter Bergman at The Institute of Sociometry.

Our song this week is from Meet the Giant.

The music of The Pangolins, Podington Bear, The Lovely Moon, Ikebe Shakedown, Kelp, Chopin, Kevin McCloud and Erik Satie was used in today’s show.



Episode Thirteen: Echoes and Reverberations

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Thirteen: Echoes and Reverberations



Episode thirteen of Denver Orbit features these things:

Composer Nathan Hall talks to us about his music and process. His Kickstarter is here.

The piece Marine A 2, from Elevator Music by Nathan Hall. You can watch the video here.

The short story Animated Ethereal Worker Bees by Amanda EK. A version of this story first appeared in birdy magazine.

The music of Tom Carter & Barry Weisblatt and Nettle was used to score Amanda’s story.

Bonus Episode: The Year In Review

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Bonus Episode: The Year In Review



This is not a new episode, just a review of a few things we’ve done.  It features these things:

We hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard so far and we look forward to making more. Thanks for listening

These artists were also heard – Edith Piaf, Francois Hardy, Yann Tiersen, Fréhel,  and Lessazo.

Episode Twelve: Not a Holiday Special

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Twelve: Not a Holiday Special



Episode Twelve of Denver Orbit features these things:

Janae Burris recorded live at the Comedy Works.

The song King of the Fairies by Avourneen.

And Ryan Connell brings us a cringe-worthy diary entry from when he was a young lad.

The music of Podington Bear, Kevin Macleod, Pierlo and Keshco was used in Ryan’s piece.

And we also heard Carla Thomas, William Bell, Clarence Carter and Otis Redding.

Episode Eleven: A Certain Type

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Eleven: A Certain Type



Episode Eleven has these things:

  • A chat with poet Abigail Mott.
  • The song Tostada by Andre Cactus.
  • A look at Denver’s queer history with David Duffield.
  • The music of Podington Bear, The Lovely Moon, Coldnoise, Little Glass Men, and Kai Engel was used in David Duffield’s piece.

We also heard from Steel Pulse, Peter Tosh, The Upsetters, and Junior Murvin.

You can see the movie A Place of Truth by Barrett Rudich at Amazon Prime. You can follow Abigail at Instagram and Facebook .

And the resources mentioned in David’s story are: The GLBT History Project, the Colorado Anti-Violence Project, the GLBT Center of Colorado, and the Gender Identity Center of Colorado.

Episode Ten: Overstuffed

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Ten: Overstuffed



Well Hi! Episode ten features these things:

The Narrators sent us over this story from Rachel Trignano.

The song For Ralph from Aamateur Aastronomy.

And the first part of an occasional series about sound called Signal to Noise.

The music of Podington Bear and Little Glass Men was used to score Signal to Noise.

We also heard John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter, Sonny Rollins, and Thelonious Monk.


Episode Nine: We Need To Talk

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Nine: We Need To Talk



This episode features these things:

A story from Kelly Shortandqueer from the Denver Zine Library.

The song Tired For The Cause from Somerset Catalog.

Advice from Mary McHugh.

The music of Podington Bear, Broke For Free, Portofino, and Chopin was used to score Kelly Shortandqueer’s piece.

We also heard music from Mulatu Astatke, Fela Kuti, Tala-Am, and Manu Dibango.


Episode Eight: Six More Days til Halloween

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Eight: Six More Days til Halloween



It’s a surprise episode of Denver Orbit! Our Halloween includes these things:

The story Boilers by Amanda EK.
The song Cities on Earth by Cities of Earth.
An excerpt from the novelization of Halloween III from Audiobooks for the Damned.

You can read the full version of Amanda’s story here.

Episode Seven: Devil May Care

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Seven: Devil May Care



Episode Seven is rather devilish and features these things:

Mike Colletta of the blog Black Meddler stopped by to chat about the genre of music known as Black Metal.

The band Blanket Empire sent us the song Midnight Crisis

Alessandra Ragusin read her essay The Devil You Know.

Mike Colletta’s essay featured the bands Mayhem, Satanic Warmaster, Bathory, and Burzum.

The music of Podington Bear, Debussy, Porpora, Bach, Satie and Arvo Part was used in The Devil You Know.

And we also heard Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, George Jones, Skip James, and The McGuire Sisters.

Episode Six: An Analog Heart

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Six: An Analog Heart



Episode Six of Denver Orbit Includes these things:

We talked to Adam Baumeister about Meep Records.

There’s the song I Don’t Know by  Littles Paia.

And also the poem Enough is Enough by Bobbi Stark.

The piece LA by Julian Winter was used to score Bobbi Stark’s poem.

We also heard music from John Fahey, Mississippi John Hurt, Elizabeth Cotten, and Nick Drake.

Episode Five: The Great Pretender

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Five: The Great Pretender



Episode Five of Denver Orbit includes these two things:

The Roommate Part 2: The Great Pretender by Mike Flaherty (with an assist from Ryan Connell)

The song BWC Phoenix by Littles Paia

Extra music from Astors, The Platters, and The Mar-Keys

The music of Coldnoise, Evgeny Grinko, Broke for Free, Podington Bear, Kai Engel, and Westside Chillers was used to score The Roommate: Part 2

Will the real Rick Strandlof Please Stand Up by Kelsey Whipple

Episode Four: The Roommate and Other Tales

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Four: The Roommate and Other Tales



Episode Four of Denver Orbit includes these stories:

The Roommate Part 1 by Mike Flaherty (with an assist from Ryan Connell)

The song Hell Has a Heart by Rabbit is a Sphere

Making Up for Lost Opportunities by Hillary Pawelka (read by Andrea Sanchez)

Music from the great Tropicalia artists Os Mutantes, Gal Costa and Caetano Veloso

The music of Broke for Free, The Lovely Moon, Alastair Galbraith and Little Glass Men was used to score The Roommate


Episode Three: Sister Aimee

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Three: Sister Aimee



Episode three has only one story.

This time it’s an audio documentary cooked up about a year ago. This one is about the proto-evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson, her life and scandal.

Episode One: The Second Episode

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode One: The Second Episode



Episode Two of Denver Orbit has a few different things:
Laura Condi telling a story at The Denver Narrators show a little while back.
The song Holy Cigarettes by Somerset Catalog.
Advice from Mary McHugh

And the funky tracks in this episode are:
Funk Factory – Rien Ne Va Plus
The Blue Velvets – Summertime



Episode Zero: You Gotta Start Somewhere

Low Orbit
Low Orbit
Episode Zero: You Gotta Start Somewhere



This is the first (!) episode of the Denver Orbit podcast.
In this episode, we’ve got three things to listen to:
1. The Emotional Wallet by Paul Epstein.
2. A song called King Briar Plain by Dormir.
3. And a reading from the novelization of Footloose by Amy Mullin. Brought to us by Jon Olsen from Audiobooks for the Damned.